Floor Plan Review Workshop

Get involved and elevate your current design with an expert second opinion.

Voice your concerns and get creative solutions from an independent architect.

$1,680 per session +GST

Including architect’s preparation, 90 minute in-home workshop, revised/annotated floor plan and written report.

Your questions, answered.

If not, please visit our FAQs page or get in touch.

  • If you already have a floor plan or design process underway, but you’re not yet loving it, then this is the service for you.

    Or maybe you’ve purchased a new house with an approved Planning Application or DA that doesn’t (yet) suit your needs.

    Either way: you feel like your current plan isn’t yet a perfect fit for your needs, and you would like the support of an expert second opinion to make it better.

  • Your Architect GP understands room relationships and layout, scale, environmental performance, orientation, construction approaches, planning regulations and the building market. We can show you how you might customise the home to make it better fit for you.

    Expert design nudges can make a home less costly to heat and cool and more comfortable to live in, all year round. We can help you reduce your total build cost if we think you’re currently on track to build “too much”. We can help you achieve a more delightful result by aligning your plans with your values (after all, you probably plan to spend at least a few years living there!).

    What makes our Architect GPs unique is that we are NOT precious about it not being all “our design”. Many architects don’t do this customisation work because it doesn’t fit their image. We’re so over that. We want to make ALL homes better, including yours.

  • If you’ve got a floor plan from another designer or a builder and you want to improve it, we can guide you to get the necessary changes made.

    Or perhaps your new home came with a planning permit and the design needs a tweak or two.

    We’ll listen to your needs, make hand-drawn revisions to your current plan, and provide you with the confidence and reports to take back to your builder or designer, so you can create the right plan for your circumstances; one that ticks all your boxes.

  • A pre-workshop Questionnaire to describe your needs, wants and must-haves.

    A 90-minute workshop at your home, or nominated address, where you’ll get:

    • The undivided attention of your Architect GP

    • A workshop agenda to structure the discussion and enable you to prepare, so you get the most out of it

    • A prepared Architect GP who has read your questionnaire, done desktop analysis, and is ready to work

    • You provide printed copies of floor plans and other information - such as building inspection reports, energy efficiency ratings, etc - that you have on hand

    • A pros-and-cons discussion around your current home

    • Tim Tams, brought by your Architect GP, to keep our brains alert!

    • Architectural sketches to illustrate possible design alternatives and the reasoning behind them. We show, ask and involve you in the sketch work (not just tell you how it should be!)

    • Discussions of your budget and the impact that might have on your decision making

    • The reassurance that comes from knowing that your decisions are based on real data and knowledge, having explored various scenarios and future potential for improvements

    • A verbal summary of the key outcomes and next steps

    After the workshop, your Architect GP will send:

    • A PDF hand drawing of the complete revised floor plan. This drawing can be used to advance discussions with your designer or builder, so you can show them exactly what you’ve been trying to say!

    • An accompanying email Report describing features, benefits and particular points to discuss with your designer/builder

    • Referral suggestions to other consultants as appropriate

  • $1,680 +GST

  • You can book additional consultations with your dedicated Architect GP anytime via the Architect On-Call booking window.

If you’d like to use the services of an Architect GP – but you can’t see a service to suit your predicament – feel free to email us here and we’ll do our best to help.

You can also book a 30-minute phone appointment with our founder, Sarah Hobday-North, here.

Sounds great? Book this service here.